Functional Buttons

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Functional Buttons


common16  to add / insert a detail row. (Insert)


common17  to insert a detail row before the highlighted row. (Ctrl + Insert)


common18  to delete highlighted row. (Ctrl + Delete)


common19  to move the detail row up/down.  (Alt + Shift + Up/Down)


common20  undo (Ctrl + Z)


common21  to select all detail rows (Ctrl + Alt + A), so that it can be deleted or modified in one shot (using Range Set)


common22  range set (F12)... a range setting windows will be prompted. This is usually used to apply changes to several/all selected detail rows.


common23  to add a subtotal row, showing the subtotal amount.





common24  to add a discount row, and for you to define the group discount by define the percentage % or Value.






common25  to prompt the item search screen (F9)





Type a keyword, select search criteria, click on Search. From the search result, check the checkboxes to select items to be included into the document, then click on OK.

Google like search: this makes searching easier by using conditional operators AND and OR.





common26  click on this button will display (at bottom section) instant information related to the highlighted item, such as Price History, Stock Balance ...






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